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  3. Q&A for administrators Architrave 1.0 & Architrave 2.0

Who is who in Q&A?

The Q&A process, questioner, expert, clearer, spectator

The Q&A process

Architrave allows you to host several Q&A processes simultaneously, for example for transaction, valuation, or internal communication about your assets documentation. In each process, the assets as well as the participating users and groups, i.e. questioners, experts or spectators can be configured freely.

Please make sure to provide the permissions to the participating users and groups in order for them to perform their task. For example, a questioner group in a particular process should be granted document-read permission on the participating assets.


To allow a user to ask questions, he first has to be a member of an active user group. This group should then be added as a questioner group to the Q&A process.

In the Q&A page, the user can then inspect his questions and all questions that were asked from the members of his group. Questions from other user groups cannot be seen. Also, the internal communication between Expert and Clearer is hidden.

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 11.21.10The questioner is informed about and can see an answer only after the clearer has approved it.


The Expert is responsible for answering the open questions. You can register users as experts either for the entire process, or on a single-folder-level.

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 11.21.10 Experts are informed by mail about all new questions they are responsible for. Furthermore, they are notified if an answer was rejected by the clearer, and if a question is pending an answer for three days.


The Clearer is responsible for the entire Q&A process. He checks the answers for content and wording, approves them or rejects them with or without a note to the expert. In addition, he can assign new experts to existing questions. If a clearer chooses to answer a question himself, the answer is automatically accepted.

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 11.21.10The Clearer is informed about new answers.


The spectator groups contain all users that need to follow the Q&A process but do not actively interact. They can see all the questions, including their history and the acting users, but do not have any write permissions, i.e. can’t answer or reject answers etc....

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 11.21.10Spectators do not receive any notifications from the Q&A process.